Low availability
£93.00/month(ex. tax)
Show order summary
Billed every month
Total (ex. tax)

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Any day from 2nd April to 16th April.

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Please note

Later Start Date. 

If a later start date is required, please call the office for availability on 0191 565 0111. 

Check-in at the office to collect your key and fob.

Monday to Friday 8:30-4:30. We will then show you to your chosen storage unit and will receive immediate 24hour access to site. 

Our full package price includes: 1 Key & 1 Fob (both items to be returned once off-hired) 

If you require an additional key this will be a charge of £15+ VAT. (non-refundable)
If you require an additional key this will be at a charge of £12.50+ VAT. (non-refundable)
Under the circumstances where the key is not returned, we will have to change the lock at a cost of £100 + VAT. 
Under the circumstances where the fob is not returned, this will incur a cost of £12.50 + VAT. 
Payments are secure and encrypted.
“Excellent service & staff, would highly recommend. Easy to access and plenty of space in the yard for vans to get in & out.”
Scott Usher
Low availability

10' Unit - Commercial/Industrial

80 sq ft - approximately half the size of a single garage

£93.00/month(ex. tax)
Show order summary
Billed every month
Total (ex. tax)